مشکل cc1101

1 سال قبل
192 بازدید



این پروژه ای هستش که من ازش استفاده کردم 

و اینم لینکی هستش که فایل پروژه توش قرار داره https://github.com/mcore1976/cc1101-tool/blob/main/cc1101-tool-esp8266.ino

من این کد رو روی nodemcu اپلود کردم و cc1101 بهش متصل کردم طبق این شماتیک:


فقط نمیدونم چرا کار نمیکنه و این هم بگم که از این نسخه از ماژول فرستنده گیرنده رادیویی بی سیم 433 مگاهرتز CC1101 استفاده میکنم

02 بهمن 02 در 02:07

با سلام، چه خطایی در کد خود دریافت میکنید؟؟  – محمد دمیرچی 02-11-03 در 05:31

-------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER --------------- Soft WDT reset >>>stack>>> ctx: cont sp: 3ffffd90 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 01a0 3fffff30: 3ffe8838 00000000 3ffef6d4 4020477c 3fffff40: 3fffdad0 00000001 3ffef6d4 40202b81 3fffff50: 40204fd8 3ffe8836 3ffef738 40204fe4 3fffff60: 40204fd8 3ffe8836 3ffef738 4020517c 3fffff70: 40233c0d 00186a00 3ffef738 40205248 3fffff80: 40204d20 00000000 3ffef738 4020526c 3fffff90: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef738 3ffef858 3fffffa0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef844 40205aa0 3fffffb0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe8628 40100ca5 <<<stack<<< --------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER --------------- ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,3) load 0x4010f000, len 3460, room 16 tail 4 chksum 0xcc load 0x3fff20b8, len 40, room 4 tail 4 chksum 0xc9 csum 0xc9 v00048960 ~ld CC1101 terminal tool connected, use 'help' for list of commands... (C) Adam Loboda 2023 cc1101 initialized. Connection OK  – fr33kpunk 02-11-04 در 12:32

اینم شماتیکGND (Ground): Connect to any GND pin on the NodeMCU. Typically, these are labeled GND or 0V. VCC (Power): Connect to the 3.3V pin on the NodeMCU. It's crucial to use 3.3V, as the NodeMCU operates at 3.3V logic levels. GD00 (General Digital I/O 0): This pin can be connected to any available GPIO pin on the NodeMCU. GPIO 0 (D3 on the NodeMCU) is commonly used. CSN (Chip Select Not): Connect to any available GPIO pin on the NodeMCU. You can use GPIO 15 (D8 on the NodeMCU), for example. SCK (Serial Clock): Connect to the SPI clock pin on the NodeMCU. This is usually labeled as SCK, CLK, or D5 on the NodeMCU. MOSI (Master Out Slave In): Connect to the SPI MOSI pin on the NodeMCU. This is usually labeled as MOSI or D7 on the NodeMCU. MISO/GD01 (Master In Slave Out / General Digital I/O 1): Connect to the SPI MISO pin on the NodeMCU. This is usually labeled as MISO or D6 on the NodeMCU. GD02 (General Digital I/O 2): Connect to any available GPIO pin on the NodeMCU. GPIO 2 (D4 on the NodeMCU) is commonly used.  – fr33kpunk 02-11-04 در 12:34

نه شماتیکش اینه Connect D1 (GPIO 5) to GDO0 on the CC1101. Connect D2 (GPIO 4) to GDO2 on the CC1101. Connect D5 (GPIO 14) to SCK on the CC1101. Connect 3V3 to VCC (3.3V) on the CC1101. Connect D7 (GPIO 13) to MOSI on the CC1101. Connect D6 (GPIO 12) to MISO on the CC1101. Connect D8 (GPIO 15) to CSN (Chip Select) on the CC1101. Connect GND to GND on the CC1101.  – fr33kpunk 02-11-04 در 01:01

میشه یک راه بگید تا تا چک کنم که اتصالات درست ان؟  – fr33kpunk 02-11-04 در 06:35

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